...and Manchester created Joy Division
Title: Chapter and Verse - New Order, Joy Division and Me (Transworld Digital)
Author: Bernard Sumner
Tags: #manchester #bluemonday #lovewilltearusapart
Discovered: Foyles Waterloo
Where read: (In part) Notes, Covent Garden (notes-uk.co.uk)
Why read now?: The infectious floor filling sound of New Order's Blue Monday will never fall out of fashion.
The Word's Shortlist view:
Bernard Sumner is not known as an outspoken self publicist so it comes as no surprise that his new autobiography lacks the tell-all sensationalist reveals of other titles on the market. Chapter and Verse is more like a chat with a mate down the local, and what's wrong with that. Pour yourself a pint and get stuck in.
Sumner's story moves from grimy post war Salford in the 50s and 60s through Punk in the 70s and the formation of his first band Joy Division. Wild eloquent prose this isn't (read Autobiography by Morrissey for this) but what we do read is an intelligent, honest and self deprecating tale of music, passion and friendship.
The best chapters of the book chart Sumner's part in the transformation of the Manchester youth scene from derelict cotton mills to The Factory (think Studio 54 with a side of mushy peas). Other sections of the story are light on detail. Recurring characters, like Tony Wilson, form a chorus but so much more could have been included about these influences. The full circumstances around Ian Curtis's death is mostly absent which is a shame.
From Punk we hurtle into New Order, the Hacienda and Acid House with Sumner relating this to the rise of the synthesiser and electronic music production. Music fans will love the detailed descriptions of the way tracks were written and recorded but for me the social/cultural sounds are more epic.
In short this is a brilliant read for fans of music, the 80s and the early club scene. Sumner was instrumental in defining an identity for post industrial Northern England and specifically Manchester and this book goes some way to explain how and why.
oh and he write some quite catchy songs too. How does it feel to treat me like you do? (Blue Monday)
Love will tear us apart clip http://youtu.be/zuuObGsB0No
Blue Monday clip http://youtu.be/FYH8DsU2WCk
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